Categoría: Docs

Contecon Guayaquil aplicará beneficios gratuitos a exportadores por emergencia del Covid-19

Contecon Guayaquil aplicará beneficios gratuitos a exportadores por emergencia del Covid-19

Extender de 5 a 10 días el almacenaje para exportadores de forma gratuita, es la decisión que ha adoptado Contecon Guayaquil S.A. (CGSA) concesionaria del Puerto Marítimo Libertador Simón Bolívar, para apoyar los esfuerzos nacionales destinados a enfrentar la emergencia sanitaria por el coronavirus o Covid-19, cuyos efectos ya los está sintiendo el sector productivo. […]

Docs: Descargue aquí ‘Supply chain decarbonization the role of logistics and transport in reducing supply chain carbon emissions’

Docs: Descargue aquí ‘Supply chain decarbonization the role of logistics and transport in reducing supply chain carbon emissions’

Supply Chain Decarbonization was produced in January 2009 by the World Economic Forum, within the framework of the Logistics and Transport Partnership Programme. [sdm_download id=»819″ fancy=»1″ new_window=»1″ color=»orange»]

Docs: Descargue aquí ‘Quality of port infrastructure’

Docs: Descargue aquí ‘Quality of port infrastructure’

See here the classification of the ports according to the perception of their users in each country, who answered the question: In your country, how is the quality (extensiveness and condition) of seaports (for landlocked countries, assess access to seaports) [1 = extremely poor—among the worst in the world; 7 = extremly good—among the best […]

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