Categoría: General 3

La ampliación del Canal de Panamá consolida al país como centro logístico

La ampliación del Canal de Panamá consolida al país como centro logístico

La ampliación del Canal de Panamá es elemento fundamental que refuerza a Panamá como centro logístico mundial. Otras acciones en infraestructura e institucionalidad resultan también necesarias   En la ciudad de Panamá se encuentra el Cerro Ancón, con una elevación de 199 metros, que estuvo bajo la jurisdicción de los Estados Unidos como parte de […]

How is technology transforming logistics?

How is technology transforming logistics?

We now live in a world where constant connectivity surrounds all that we do and for many years information and computing technology has been transforming the business of global supply chains. There are already 9 billion connected devices and it is expected that by 2030 there will be 50 billion devices connected via theInternet ofThings.  […]

En puertos las comparaciones no siempre son odiosas

En puertos las comparaciones no siempre son odiosas

– ¡Qué dura es la vida!… -¿Comparada con qué? Cuentan que esto fue lo que exclamó Groucho Marx a un amigo cuando éste se quejaba de lo duro de la vida: “¿Comparada con qué?”. No hay mejor manera de saber cuán buenos o malos somos en algo que comparándonos con otros. Y no simplemente por […]

Shipping lessons for India from Latin America

Shipping lessons for India from Latin America

India has an extensive coastline of 5,400 km and navigable inland waterways of 4,320 km. However, only about 7 percent of domestic cargo movement is conducted through these two modes, of which just 0.5 percent is for inland waterways. In comparison, Japan and some European countries transport approximately 40 percent of their domestic cargo on […]

All at Sea: Systemic Risk and the Shipping Industry

All at Sea: Systemic Risk and the Shipping Industry

Roughly 90 per cent of world trade is transported across the high seas, firmly anchoring global industry and supply chains’ dependency on shipping. Gargantuan ships lugging enormous volumes of cargo across the world’s well-chartered marine highways give an image of steady and sure transportation. This is in contrast to aviation, where concerns about the vulnerability […]

Logistics – our life support system

Logistics – our life support system

By Alan McKinnon*, Director, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK When logistics works, as it does almost all the time, nobody notices. It becomes an invisible service that we all take for granted. For example, when we shop in the typical department store, we seldom give a thought to all the complex processes that have […]

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